" Your Homeopathic expert N.S.Saini, has skills and experience of 40 years out of which 12 years working in the Gynecology and Obstetrics department of Homeopathic Hospital of Nehru Homeopathic Medical College, University of Delhi and National Institute of Homeopathy, Calcutta in India, apart from his private practice in New Zealand and Australia for 25 years. "
Gynaecological and Obstetric homoeopathic care:
Gynaecological problems: Menstrual disorders, herpes, Candida and other infections, Menopause and associated complaints, cysts, tumours, migraine, etc.
Cosmetic Issues:Acne, blemishes, warts, cysts, stretch marks, scars, blemishes , PCOS, Alopaecia- hair falling, Hirsutism- hair at unwanted sites like face, abdomen etc, skin diseases etc.
Obstetrics Care (Fertility and pregnancy):
Mental and emotional problems:Depression, anxiety neurosis, bipolar disorders, drug induced psychosis, substance misuse, PMT, insomnia, migraine headache.